Colloquium JUICE: the long road to the Jovian System
Speaker: Alessandro Atzei, Payload systems engineer, ESA
A system level overview of the different phases of the ESA JUICE mission:
From the study phase to the Assembly Integration and Testing phase, the launch campaign, and the commissioning. The presentation will also discuss the key challenges, how to react in case of anomalies and the current status of JUICE.
Alessandro Atzei is a Space systems and rocket propulsion engineer, who graduated from the faculty of Delft Aerospace Engineering in 1997. After a Young Graduate position in the ESA Mars Express team and three years in industry as mechanical and test engineer, he re-joined the European Space Agency in 2003 and had various roles:
Study manager for Jupiter feasibility studies, Spacecraft systems engineer for the Gaia observatory, Payload systems engineer for the JUpiter ICy moon Explorer (JUICE) and is currently Payload Manager for the recently approved EnVision mission to Venus.