Artemis - Space Master Society
Events Schedule
Upcoming events
Note that some events may require registration (RSVP), even if they are “Free”. Therefore, click on the event and make sure that if there’s a registration (RSVP) option, that you have signed up for the event. Afterwards, you will receive a QR code for the event via your email address to make your registration final. Feel free to add our events to your calendar!
Delft, Zuid-Holland 2629 HS Netherlands
The space bar is the monthly recurring drink for students and staff of the space department of the faculty of Aerospace Engineering of TU Delft. Make sure to bring your stamp card for 3 free drinks!
Delft, Zuid-Holland 2629HC Netherlands
The space bar is the monthly recurring drink for students and staff of the space department of the faculty of Aerospace Engineering of TU Delft. You receive coins at the entrance for some free consumptions!
Delft, Zuid-Holland 2629HS Netherlands
TNO Space systems engineering plays a coordinating role in realising instrumentation and systems. They bring together different technical domains to create payloads for earth observation that benefits both people and the…
Events calendar
Special thanks to The Events Calendar for providing Artemis with all the features of their calendar.