Event summary
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Event date and time
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Delft, Zuid-Holland 2629 HZ Netherlands
This is a recurring event, the other events can be seen after clicking the button below.
Open and friendly
Available consumables
During this event we make use of the consumables available at the Atmosfeer. Per Space Bar upon entering you will receive coins which are free consumables. The Space Bar occurs every month apart from some instances during the summer break.
The Atmosfeer has 8 beers on tap which can vary throughout the year. However, usually there is Jupiler, La Chouffe, Leffe, Hertog Jan. There are also many types of canned or bottled sodas, such as apple juice, Cola, ice-tea and Sprite. There is something for everybody, whether you would like to consume alcoholic beverages or not. It’s not a shame if you do not drink alcohol.
The goal of this event is to get to know your peers, students and staff, in a relaxing setting. This event allows you to talk about your thesis, things happening in the faculty, the newest space news, geeky stuff, whatever!
You shouldn’t feel ashamed if you can’t stay the entire time. It’s all about having a good time and bonding over a few consumptions.
See you at the Space Bar!