The Making of JUICE; celebrating TUD’s contributions to the JUICE mission.
After a successful launch on 14th April 2023, ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) is on its way to Jupiter to study its ocean-bearing moons – Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. On-board the spacecraft are two experiments with strong links to our faculty: the PRIDE experiment, which will use Very Long Baseline Interferometry to measure the gravity fields of Jupiter and its moons; and the GALA altimeter, which will measure the topography and tides of Ganymede.
Join us on December 1st to discover how the JUICE mission went from dream to reality and to celebrate TUD’s contributions to the mission.
13:45-14:00: Opening remarks
14:00-16:00: Screening of The Making of JUICE documentary
16:00-16:15: Awarding of JUICE certificates of appreciation to TUD members by the LR Dean Henri Werij
16:15-16:45: Presentations
- Prof. Dr. Leonid Gurvits ( PRIDE Principal Investigator): JUICE half a year after its launch.
- Dr. Giuseppe Cimo (PRIDE Deputy PI) & Ir. Vidhya Pallichadath (PRIDE Systems Engineer): The PRIDE experiment
- Dr. Dominic Dirkx (PRIDE Project Scientist) & Ir. Marie Fayolle ( PRIDE Co-investigator): Interior and evolution of the Jovian system from radio science.
- Dr. Stephanie Cazaux (PRIDE Co-investigator): Probing the atmospheres of icy moons using radio occultation.
- Prof. Dr. Bert Vermeersen (PRIDE and GALA Co-investigator): The science of the GALA experiment.
16:45-17:15: Open discussion & questions from the audience
17:15-18.15 Drinks
With cosmic regards,

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