Space Master Society


Delft university of technology
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Space Engineering department

Hey! Thank you for coming to the website. We are still working on it and will soon add more pages. However, we already wanted to have the website out there! Enjoy!


Upcoming events

There is no Event


For whom is Artemis?

Artemis is the study association for the entire space engineering department of the Aerospace Engineering faculty of Delft University of technology including its MSc students. Therefore, we are officially called Artemis Space Master Society. While the name of space engineering department may sound confusing, it encompasses both the 8th, 9th and 10th floor and their associated profiles e.g. spacecraft dynamics, instrumentation or exploration.

If you are part of the staff of the space engineering department or a student of space(flight), no matter the track, Artemis is for you and you are “enrolled” for free automatically.

About you and artemis

What will artemis do?

Provide updates

We would like to provide updates about changes of our courses and in the department.

Organize events

We will organize events for students and staff.

Bring students and staff together

TU Delft is known for its accessible staff. That is something we should embrace and try to repair after the pandemic.

Bring students and industry together

After graduation students will work in the industry, so getting to know the industry is great for determining a future career.

Provide feedback to staff

The outsome of some polls can be discussed with the staff or feedback sessions can be organized after exam polls.

Spread our name

Artemis is brand new, and it's important our students, staff and possible future partners know we exist.

Artemis has just started and would like to provide its members with the best events, however they will need some planning in advance. In case you have a great idea or some connections or organize one of the following, feel free to contact us!