Artemis - Space Master Society

All events


Types of events

Artemis hosts internal events and external events. Internal events are events that are organized within the department of Space Engineering while external events are hosted by third parties such as companies. Below, we will provide more information regarding events and how to sign up for them.

Internal events

Artemis hosts a range of internal events of which the most famous is the Space Bar. Additionally, Artemis organizes career fairs, colloquia, and lunch lectures.

Space Bar

The Space Bar is the monthly recurring drink where students and staff can relax while enjoying a drink. The event is open to everybody, however only members will receive coins for 3 free drinks per event.
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Research presentations

The Space Engineering department consists of great researchers, thus it's very interesting for students and researchers alike to see and hear what our researchers are currently working on or what the current state of the art is in their field of expertise.

Thesis fairs

The thesis is an important part of obtaining the master's degree. However, it could be tough to find out which member of staff is available and which projects they have to offer. Therefore, Artemis would like to offer a Thesis fair where students can learn more about thesis topics.

External events

External events that are applicable for our members in order to increase their knowledge, experience, or broaden their horizon with respect to the space industry are highly appreciated. Examples of these events can be found below.


Colloquia are talks by (external) researchers about their research topics. If you are a researcher with state of the art research results which you're willing to talk about, feel free to contact us. We might be able to arrange an hotel, food and even airplane tickets.

Lunch lectures

Lunch lectures are lectures during the lunch break from 12:30 until 13:30 where organisations (e.g. companies) can talk about their company and its interestests. Lunch could be provided during these events in consultation with the organisation.

Company visit

Company visits are a great way to broaden the horizon of our students and staff. Students get hands on experience with the industry and the possible environment they could work in. These are a great opportunity for companies to get students interested in their organisation.

Career fairs

Career fairs are big events where multiple companies come to Delft in order to get students and staff acquainted with their job opportunities, business opportunities and their whereabouts.

Events schedule

To see all the events, click on the button.

Do you have an idea in mind for an event? That's spacetastic!