
Mitchell van Doorn


Hello! My name is Mitchell van Doorn and I am the Chair of Artemis III. I am a second year master student of the Space track. As a chair I am to keep an overview of all important matters regarding Artemis and to make sure that all board members can do their job well. Besides my studies and Artemis I play football and I go to the gym a couple times per week. With Artemis, I hope to contribute to making the Space Master journey memorable and full of connections by creating a community for space enthousiasts. I am exited to see how Artemis will grow this year!

Growth of Artemis

My main goal of the year is to ensure Artemis keeps growing as a study association and continues to organise social and career events for everyone within the space department


The other main goal for the year is to get our name out within the faculty, university, and space companies everywhere.