Commissioner of PR & Promotion

Thomas Bosboom


Hi! My name is Thomas Bosboom, a third-years student of the Space Flight master track at TU Delft. As the PR representative of the board of Artemis III, I am responsible for providing and maintaining streamlined communication lines between students, companies and Artemis through social media management and consistent brand building. My goal for this year is to greatly expand our presence on the professional side through LinkedIn. I have already observed an increased interest for Artemis’s whatabouts, so I am confident Artemis will be a useful resource for many this year too!

My ongoing goals to guide me through this year’s tasks are:

Reach All Space Students & Staff

Artemis will be doing its best and most effective work when all of the staff and students in the space department know who we are and what we do. So my goal is to make everyone aware of Artemis and ideally to get them participating in our events!

Promote Artemis Activities & Events

Artemis organises a lot of really fun and interesting events for our fellow students and staff members, and it’s my job to get the word out to everyone who might be interested. After all, it’s the people who come to the events who really make them special 🙂

Organise Information & Communication

I want to coordinate public communications for Artemis via our Instagram page, our website, our LinkedIn page, our tab on the MSc AE Space Track Brightspace page, and our emails. The information presented in these channels should be clear, concise, and consistent. This will also make it easier for people to figure out what it is that we do when they first hear about us.