Chair & Co-Founder

Aïcha van Veen


Hi, I am Aïcha! I have done my bachelors in Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft and now I am continuing to study here as a master student in both Management of Technology and Space Engineering in the track of Planetary Exploration. Together with Momo, I spent last year setting the foundation of Artemis as a co-chair. This year I will continue in this role and I am excited to see Artemis organise events with staff, students, and companies, and grow into a successful study association. 

Growth of Artemis

My main goal of the year is to ensure Artemis keeps growing as a study association and continues to organise social and career events for everyone within the space department


Now that we have a foundation for Artemis and we are known within our department, we would like to show us to the world! So the other main goal for the year is to get our name out within the faculty, university, and space companies everywhere.